Japan Incense 日本香類, 日本限定香品, 日本香具, 薰弄香品, 香壺
手工藝 漆繪香壺 漆雪
這是一個裝有淨化身心的佛教塗香 [Nukko] 的香壺。高松藩主的文化保護精神下發展起來的香川漆藝,加奈子漆畫雪紋,中田漆樹的作品。
This is an incense burner for the Buddhist ritual of purifying the mind and body, adorned with the traditional Kanako lacquer snowflake design and created by the skilled craftsmen of Kagawa lacquerware, which flourished under the cultural protection of the feudal lord of Takamatsu. Its intricate details are the work of talented lacquer artisans such as Nakata Shiki.
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