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According to legend, “Konzoji” is believed to aid in childbirth and smooth delivery and is regarded as a protective deity of women and children. The Kinkura Temple is the 76th temple of the Shikoku Pilgrimage and developed a pomegranate-scented incense as a symbol of “Okaruten-san.”

Pomegranate-scented incense is made with natural fragrances of sandalwood and citrus. Sandalwood helps purify the air and has antibacterial properties, as well as a calming effect on the mind and body, and can warm the body and purify the air. Pomegranate fragrance is particularly suitable for women who want to conceive or are pregnant.





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Hārītī 鬼子母神 又名:( 訶利帝母,訶利帝喃、鬼子聖母),佛經中的人物。原先她只是一個神通很大的夜叉或鬼道神靈,後來成為重要的佛教護法,是二十四天之一。毘奈耶雜事三十一曰:「鬼子母神」的前世,是一位與王舍城大眾五百人一起參加宴會的孕婦,因跳舞而流產,但五百人竟然棄之不顧(一說是五百人鄙夷孕婦),於是她立誓「喫掉全王舍城的小孩」,以作為報復。

Hārītī, also known as Kali Devi, Kali Dehni, or Konzō-ji, is a character in Buddhist scriptures. Originally a powerful Yaksha or demon, she later became an important protector in Buddhism and one of the Twenty-Four Heavenly Protectors.

According to the legend in the Vinaya texts, Hārītī was a pregnant woman who suffered a miscarriage while dancing at a party with 500 people in attendance. The people, who were either disgusted by or indifferent to her plight, abandoned her. In response, Hārītī vowed to eat all the children in the city of Rajagaha as revenge.

During the time of Shakyamuni Buddha, Hārītī, who had hundreds or even ten thousand demon offspring to feed, preyed on human infants as food. Shakyamuni Buddha used his supernatural power to take all of her demon children away and hid them in his alms bowl. Unable to find her children, Hārītī went to the Buddha for help. The Buddha told her that he had taken her children and said, “Now you understand the pain of mothers who have lost their children. You kill human infants every day, don’t you know the pain of their mothers? If you vow never to harm human infants again, I will release your children.” Hārītī agreed, and from that day on, the Buddha’s followers would provide her with food.

Hārītī became known as a powerful and effective protector, not only of Buddhism but also of women and children. In Japanese Buddhism, particularly in the Tendai and Nichiren sects, which follow the Lotus Sutra, Hārītī is often depicted in temple statues and worshipped for her vow to protect the sutra.

In Chinese Buddhism, Hārītī’s husband, Sānzhī Dàjiàng, is also worshipped as a guardian deity among the Twenty or Twenty-Four Heavenly Protectors, and his image is often found in the main hall of temples.




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