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Kunrou, a brand of incense, uses an ancient recipe once reserved for the Japanese imperial family, combined with a variety of Chinese herbal medicines such as agarwood, sandalwood, benzoin, frankincense, and pine resin. These ingredients are carefully blended using traditional handmade techniques from Guangdong to create the “Chen Xiang” incense.

The Chen Xiang incense emits a smooth and mellow fragrance that reaches the respiratory system and brainstem when lit. It can activate and enhance the meditative state, balance the inner self, and stabilize the mind. It can also alleviate insomnia, dispel anxiety, relieve depressive emotions, and bring a sense of joy.




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土沉香Aquilaria sinensis (Lour.) Gilg 又名牙香樹、白木香,還有一個美麗的名字叫「女兒香」。土沉香主要產南中國廣東海南、越南、東南亞等地,屬常綠喬木,有平滑及淺灰色的樹幹。沉香是一種帶有強烈香氣的樹脂。當沉香樹受到真菌感染,會分泌一種帶有香氣的樹脂作出天然防衛,土沉香的用途廣泛,樹脂可製成香料或供藥用,木材可制線香應用於宗教及調香方面,而樹皮可用來造紙。古代亦曾用以入藥。性味辛、苦、溫,入胃、腎經,具有行氣止痛、溫中止嘔之效。沉香都是令人們趨之若鶩的一種香料,被稱為”香中之王”,沉香具有濃郁而沉穩的溫潤香氣,香氣被認為可啟動及增強冥想,平衡內部氣脤使心神更穩定,亦可解消失眠困擾,驅散不安,亦可緩解抑鬱及令人感到喜悅。而它那令人陶醉的香味也與佛教、道教、伊斯蘭教和基督教都有著歷史淵源。

Aquilaria sinensis (Lour.) Gilg, also known as the Toothed Fragrant Tree, White Wood Fragrance, and the beautiful name “Daughter Fragrance”, is a type of evergreen tree that primarily grows in southern China’s Guangdong, Hainan, Vietnam, and Southeast Asia. It has a smooth, light gray trunk and produces a resin with a strong aroma. When the tree is infected with fungi, it secretes a resinous substance with a pleasant scent as a natural defense mechanism. The resin of the tree can be used as a spice or for medicinal purposes, and the wood can be used to make incense for religious and aromatic purposes. The bark can also be used to make paper. In ancient times, it was used in medicine and has the effects of promoting circulation, relieving pain, warming the middle, and stopping vomiting. 

Aquilaria sinensis is a highly sought-after spice and is known as the “King of Fragrance”. It has a rich and mellow aroma and is believed to activate and enhance meditation, balance internal energy, and stabilize the mind. It can also alleviate insomnia, dispel anxiety, relieve depression, and bring joy. Its intoxicating fragrance has historical connections with Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, and Christianity.


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